Help! I've Hit a Weight Loss Plateau! A Comprehensive Guide to Breaking Your Plateau
You've committed to losing weight and it's going awesome! The scale is going down, clothes are fitting looser, and you are...

Will Exercise Make Me Lose Weight?
Will exercise make me lose weight? What a silly question, right? Of course it will! Hold up there for just a minute and let's explore...

Cardio for Lazy Days!
Are you suffering from the mid-winter blahs? A bad case of don't want to get off your couch? Blanket-itis? Me, too. Seriously. I...

Creating an Incredible Home Gym!
It's that time of year again! When sale circulars and TV commercials transition from trying to sell us holiday abundance to New Year...

It's Never Too Late!
Something really weird happened this last weekend...I did my first 8K...and I actually won my age group! Now, I did not write this blog...

Can Online Coaching Work for Me?
Have you ever wanted to work with a trainer but perhaps your schedules or geography make it difficult? Do you prefer to workout at home...

Why I Train
Quick: What do you think about when you hear “exercise?” I’m going to go out on a limb and guess some of your answers might be: boring...

Owning It
There’s a commercial on TV that I hate for a weight-loss drug. Click on this quick :06 clip to see why.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Think You Can’t Eat What You Like and Still Lose Weight? Think Again! Why You NEED to Eat What You
You’ve probably heard it before: in order to lose weight, you have to eat “clean” or “cut out the junk.” Seems logical, right? After...

How Much Should I Exercise?
Here is a question I receive all the time...Sarah, how much should I exercise? This is actually a great question and the answer truly...