Help! I've Hit a Weight Loss Plateau! A Comprehensive Guide to Breaking Your Plateau
You've committed to losing weight and it's going awesome! The scale is going down, clothes are fitting looser, and you are...

Will Exercise Make Me Lose Weight?
Will exercise make me lose weight? What a silly question, right? Of course it will! Hold up there for just a minute and let's explore...

Success Sunday...Mom (er, Kathy)!
All of my clients are near and dear to my heart and often feel like a member of my family, but this week's Success Sunday feature IS a...

Success Sunday...Kim!
I'm excited to announce a new feature to my blog - Success Sunday! I would like to feature interviews with various clients of mine who...

To Track or Not to Track: That is the Question
You've committed to making positive changes in your life, including exercise and eating healthier. So how do you ensure that (1) you are...

How I Beat My Eating Disorder
Today I am going to share with you a special story that helps to explain why I love what I do as your trainer. If you have ever...

Ditch the Scale? What Research (and a Trainer) Say about Weighing for Weight Loss
DISCLAIMER: This post may be controversial to some. Please read on and understand that what I am saying is intended for individuals who...
The Secret to Fitness Success: You Gotta Want It
I am going to share with you a trainer secret - all of my clients see me because they want to get something out of their training. Big...

Staying Fit During the Holidays
Thanksgiving is nearly here and for many, this is a challenging time of the year. We are exposed to countless stories of holiday weight...